One With Anima

A freezing wave spreads through Angela's body, her muscles stiffening as they are passed. Very quickly her entire body cannot move, frozen in place while still holding her position. While she is still conscious a fog has descended over her mind, the feeling that she had the previous time is no longer present, instead replaced by a hazy shroud.

The channel that she could find so easily last time is no longer present, she can remember where it was the last time but when she actually goes to feel for it there is nothing present. This was a little disconcerting but after thinking about it, it does make sense. With the rest of her body paralysed naturally that would have an effect on her perception, after all she still doesn't know what allows her to sense anima. With her perception limited she would have to figure everything out like the book described, rather than relying on her innate talent.

Trying to sense anything through the shroud that clouds her perception is like blindly fumbling for a light switch, the easiest way to find it is to repeatedly search areas until the right one has been found. Transferring this analogy into the current situation, however, is a little more tricky. Rather than finding a specific area, Angela would have to find a pathway which allows for many more variations and thus, more possibilities that need to be explored.

This is mind-numbingly boring work but alas, there is no better way. Despite the repetitive task, Angela carries it out with admirable focus, greatly increasing the speed she can work at. After what feels like several hours, Angela finally feels a tingling sensation; she had found it.

Now, Angela hesitates. Hopefully, the paralysis would prevent the pain but if it didn't, well, she remembers quite vividly the pain she was in before. Fingers metaphorically crossed, she begins the process. While the result was better than nothing, the pain still caused her entire body to twitch despite the paralysis. Gritting her teeth she bears the pain and continues onwards.

Unfortunately, the further in she gets, the more unbearable the pain becomes, up to the point where she has to stop, not by choice but simply because her mind won't respond to its own thoughts. On the positive side of things, the longer she practices for the less pain she will experience.

After just a short breather to recover, Angela 'jumps' straight back into her practice with renewed vigour, the pain she experiences during paralysis is much easier to deal with. This cycle of rinse and repeat goes on for the entire day, though she has to take another bud twice. Each time she repeats the results are a little bit faster until, by the last attempt of the day, she can completely endure the pain with no trouble.

Despite the fact that she could endure the pain, she could not endure her own tiredness, her eyes drooping as she lets out a yawn. Though she desires to continue she cannot force herself to stay awake, groaning as she comes to her senses and realises she is sopping wet. At this point, she is too tired to bother with changing and so she simply takes off her clothes before falling into bed.

Morning comes and Angela awakes, sitting up and rubbing her eyes with a groggy expression. as the stars in her eyes clear she shrieks, grasping for her blankets. In the doorway is an equally startled Lenara, mouth agape and cheeks flushed.

"I.. uh.. I, just came to.. uh.. see how you were doing." The hue of red deepening even more as she remembers what she had just seen.

Angela hastily checks herself, ensuring she is properly covered, and after she has completely obscured herself she finally turns to Lenara. "You saw nothing, ok, nothing..."

Lenara's brows furrow at this. " I don't understand, I came in and saw you naked on your bed, what didn't I... oh." She scratches her head, unsure what expression to make. On the other side, Angela's face was trying to bury itself in the covers, a meek and small voice escaping from her mouth.

"Please, please go outside."

Lenara hastily exits the room, all too aware of how awkward her presence was, leaving Angela alone. Peeking out from the covers, Angela makes sure of Lenara's departure before slipping out from under the covers, quickly donning her clothes that had dried overnight. Reaching the door she pauses, unsure of what to say or do but it is only for a moment, she would have to talk about it sooner or later.