The Awkward Talk

Given how long it would take Angela to fully comprehend the rune, sooner or later she and Lenara would have to sit down and have a serious talk about how they felt; soon they would not be alone like they were right now.

Neither of them, however, want to start this conversation. To put it lightly, it is a rather difficult subject for them. On one side there is Angela, a girl who has been brought up in a smothered environment, devoid of subjects such as love and dating. On the other is an even worse case, having come from a race of insectoids devoid of romantic attachments.

And as such, they go about their individual business, awkwardly interacting with each other until finally, one day, Angela has had enough. She sits Lenara down and, staring straight into her eyes, she takes a deep breath before blurting out what has been on her mind for the past few days. "I like you, please go out with me!"

Lenara blinks a couple of times before responding with confusion written on her face "Go out? Go out where?" her naivety leaving Angela speechless, she most certainly had not meant the literal meaning but she had forgotten how little Lenara knew of such terminology.

"No, not like that. Go out with me means, well..." She seems to have spent all her bravery on the first exclamation, her voice trailing off to a quiet whisper. "It means d-dating."

Realisation dawns on Lenara, making her want to cry out for her ignorance but quickly responds; almost stumbling over her own words in an attempt to find the right words to say. "Yes, yes of course I would, ive been trying to ask the same thing but I didn't know what to say."

Now that the two have expressed their feelings the atmosphere relaxes visibly, though it also brings up a new problem: what do couples actually do? They have crossed one hurdle only to find another. At least this was a problem that they could talk about more easily, one they could work together to solve.

With that out of the way, Angela can finally put all of her concentration into working on her comprehension, which is almost complete.

After several thousand attempts, and multiple days of working. She has done it. She has succeeded. Now all that is standing between her and her goal is the construction of the teleporter; a trivial task in comparison. She has the materials, she has the knowledge, all that is left is to actually do it.

Gathering together everything she needs, Angela begins. The first step is to carve the wood into the correct shape, somewhat difficult but with her expertise, Angela succeeds on the second attempt. Second, she has to shape the galladium core into a ring, which will then wind around the wood like a coiled snake. Once the overall structure is complete all that is left is to carve the runes.

The difficulty of carving runes onto such a surface could not be compared to carving them into a flat slate. The underlying principle however, is the same and it is this principle that determines wether or not she will be able to succeed, it is this principle that she has been working on for so long.

As such, she is able to suceed fairly easily, carving rune after rune with practiced ease. When she has finished carving she stands back and inspects her work. The teleporter looks more like a totem, one of those that you would find on an island.

Triumph swells within her. She is finished. As soon as Lenara is with her, she can activate it and return to the home she so missed. See her siblings that she was so scared for. But not yet, first she must make sure she is completely ready as well as tell Lenara.