WebNovelRed Wings33.33%

Lightning Lizard

"System, what determines the maximum weight of blood I can carry?"

[Blood control is a kind of magic, most kinds of magic follow the same principles. To use magic a force is needed, and the force is taken from your body. This means that the maximum magic you can perform is dependent on the amount of force in your body and the way you handle the force used.

In short, it depends on your strength, knowledge and skill level.]

So there's no mana? But it kind of makes sense, and it's way more easy to discover my limits now.

After some experimentation I got a feeling about this magic, maybe it's easier because blood is something I can see and feel. But within my dome of detection there's practically no penalty for distance, but I don't know if that's an effect of my dome, or just a coincidence. After the blood leaves the 5m radius of my dome it gets way harder to keep it up, after that it gets heavier linearly.

Moving the blood gets harder the faster I move it, keeping it next to me while I fly is pretty okay to do. If I keep about 1gram of blood with me I can keep it there 24/7. 1gram may seem small, but as I weigh about 0,05gram it's pretty big for me.

The easiest way to handle the blood is to form a sphere, a pocket around my softer belly, or a needle like shape. I formed a hollow needle with 2 sharp sides for cutting. I had the idea that I can drain blood through the needle, or inject a poison if I can make or find one. I can't poison the blood enough with my claws to make it lethal as it is, but I can store liquids inside a hollow sphere and keep it separate from the blood. If I combine the sphere and needle I can squirt water out of it quite fast, I might even be able to suck blood essence in the sphere to steel it from a creature without getting close, it looks a bit like wasp stingers.

Controlling separate parts of blood is hard, one or two is okay, but more gets harder and harder. But I found it easier if I imagined the needles to be the tips of my fingers, like that I can control up to 10, but the needles get really small if there are 10 of them. If I wanted them to be stingers they'd get even smaller. 5 is my limit now to keep them on a reasonable size.

After 2 hours of familiarizing myself with blood control I feel pleased with myself. At first I tried to shoot a needle through a branch, but it just splattered on the bark, after an hour I could penetrate the bark of the branch, after an hour and a half I could shoot it right through, and after 2 hours I could make all 5 needles hard and sharp enough to shoot right through a pretty thick branch. I want to go and hunt.

I fly around looking for another pray, I want something like that mouse again to see what I can do, or maybe a beetle to check what the needles do to its defense. And after 15 minutes I find a perfect target, it's a lizard sitting on a rotten tree trunk.

The lizard is black with yellow, it looks a bit like a poison dart frog, but I do have poison resistance and I don't plan on going close. The lizard does have thick scales though, so its defense will be pretty good.

I fly to a branch about 3 meters above it, I hide on the opposite side from him. The blood flows up from my belly and turns into 5 needles, I plan on shooting one from above and I'll send the other 4 needles underground and slowly inside the trunk and stab him from underneath. Everything is well as my needles get in position, I send the top needle first, it whistles through the air. I can make it whistle by slightly changing the inside form.

The stupid lizard looks up to the sound, at the moment it looks up I send the other 4 up from inside the trunk, 1 to its head, 1 to the heart, 2 in its stomach. The one to its head goes through the skin and stops on its jawbone, on the heart it stops on its ribs, but the other 2 go right in its stomach, but as it pierces through its intestines the yellow marks light up. And after that electric sparks fly of its skin. Right at that moment I loose connection to the 4 needles, the last one gets toasted by his electricity before it reaches the scales.

If I flew up to it to stab it or drink its blood I'd have died before I knew what hit me. Damn, this is a dangerous world. I'm glad with blood control, otherwise I wouldn't have any ways to kill from a distance.

The lizard started running, and I followed it, although it wasn't bleeding badly through the wound. I stayed about 3 to 4 meters away to stay unnoticed, and after 30 minutes it fainted. I think it's the residue poison that was in the mouse blood, cause I think it's too soon for its wounds to infect. I fly to it, put my claws in its neck, and it dies in seconds.

[Blood control: +1]

I drain its blood, there's no essence, but lightning isn't that compatible with blood and venom. So I wouldn't have eaten it anyway.

I make new needles that are a little bigger and fly away again, onto the next one.

I keep hunting more creatures, some bright colored bugs, another mimic tail mouse, and a lizard with eyes that looked like diamonds. I haven't found any new elements though, or they didn't get the time to use them. The diamond eye lizards eyes shined for a moment, but the shine died down right after never to shine again.