Nothing ventured, Nothing gained

Mark fell asleep as he was tired from cultivating. His body could not handle anymore the burden of circulating his energy. He must have excessively worked up his body and did not gain much benefit from it.

[Phone Alarm SFX]

Mark woke up and it was another day to go to school. Everyday he was excited to see Rose. Although he and Rose now have a connection between them he was still shy and did not have the courage to go and talk with Rose. Just like everybody, Monsters also does have feelings. //sarcastically//

He arrived at school and he saw someone there waiting for him. It was the school secretary for student affairs. The secretary told him that Ryan made his father reported what Mark have done towards his son and he wants Mark to be punished by the school administrator.

The secretary told him that he was in big trouble and could face expulsion from school. Mark did not think about it and shrugged it off. He did not care if he transferred but he would be sad if he could not see Rose anymore. It would be one his long life regrets if it would happen.

The secretary led Mark towards the Office of the administrator and there he saw Ryan and his father. Ryan has a grin in his face. He wanted to kick Mark out of school and take Rose's heart to himself.

'What a fool.' Mark thought.

The administrator explained that the matter would be investigated first before making a decision. So there were no further actions to made against Mark. The administrator have already known the troubles that Ryan and his gang has committed. He could not voice out as he was scared to offend Ryan's father.

Ryan was slightly angry as he was disappointed that Mark did not get punished. Both Mark and Ryan returned towards their own rooms as classes were starting.

As always, Mark attentively listened to the teacher. The topics discussed were already known by Mark as he has always been advance reading than the others. He would always read in advance so when in the future he would not be hassled if he would miss any classes.

Mark shot a glance towards the ever beautiful rose, he couldn't help smiling every time he looked at her. He just needed to man up and walk towards Rose and ask her out.

The teacher suddenly asked Mark a question. He was still daydreaming and he didn't hear what the teacher asked. Every time that he would look at Rose, Mark would always lose his focus. The teacher got angry at him as he was not listening to him. The teacher gave him detention and that he would stay later a bit before going home.

Noon break came and it was time for lunch. Mark headed for the cafeteria and saw Rose sitting there alone. He ordered food and walked towards Rose. Rose noticed that Mark was coming near her and she asked his purpose.

"Hi. I'm wondering if I could sit with you?" Seeing that Rose was all alone. He decided to give it a try as there was nothing to be lost. Nothing ventured, Nothing gained. It never hurts to try but he was afraid that Rose would become distant.

He wasn't always like this so he thought he may have been influenced by awakening his monster instincts. He had gain the courage to go closer to her than before. Mark didn't know that spiritual energy not only strengthens the body but also the soul. As more energy is accumulated the more the soul also benefits. There are no direct formulas in improving the soul of monster compared to humans as they have their own cultivation methods for the soul. Monsters have it hard trying to improve their soul. The soul affects what one feels and what perceives. It had affected mark significantly and now he was making a move.

"Sure." Rose said coldly.

There was awkward silence for Mark as he did not know what to say next.

'What am I supposed to say in this situation?'

Mark had an idea to ask her about monsters but it was too dangerous to talk about it the cafeteria as there could be someone listening to the two of them. There could be some mystifying technique that could improve the hearing of humans and it would spell disaster for both of them. So he dropped the idea. He constantly thought what was the appropriate topic to discuss right now.

'Should I ask her where she lives? How she's doing? When hers' birthday? That idea is bad though.'

There was a lot of going on through his mind and he could not make up what he would say. Rose was confused that Mark was in deep thought. So she broke the Ice and asked her about the Formula that he practiced.

"I felt great after cultivating the formula. My body became lighter and also I didn't use the basic one anymore. My parents gave me theirs." Mark hurriedly replied. As to not make Rose dissatisfied.

Rose was not surprised as it was normal for one's family to provide the formula. Rose checked that Mark didn't emit a single spirit energy on him.

"Well, I should be going." Rose stood up and began to walk away.

Mark didn't know why Rose left and he remembered that he didn't even touched his food as earlier he was always thinking about the right thing to say. He completely forgot to eat his lunch. He must have looked stupid in front of rose.

'Geez. I messed up.' Mark mused.

Mark ate all he could as time was running out and classes would soon start. He dumped the leftovers and walked back towards class.

On the way, He saw Ryan waiting outside the classroom. He was with his underlings and they look like they were ready to pounce and beat up Mark. They did not forget the humiliation a few days ago.

Ryan saw Rose and Mark sitting in the same table and he got angry from the sight of it. Jealousy raged inside his heart as he could not take it. He decided to wait for Mark outside his room and ambush him. But he did not forget that mark have beaten them up so he brought back up. There were more students alongside Ryan. They were excited to take revenge on him.

"You still did not learn your lessons?" Mark said mockingly.

Mark was not afraid of this ragged tagged group of disordered fighters Ryan came up with. He had better physique and he could easily dodge every single one of them.

"Come fight us at the rooftop if you dare!" Ryan challenged him as he was afraid that they would be seen and make a commotion and would be used against him.

"Much better." Mark said calmly. He was not afraid to fight them all at the rooftop but was afraid if he was seen dodging all the attackers and beating them up as he was only person. It would be a miracle if he won. It would be good if there were no witnesses to his feat of strength.

Ryan's gang surrounded Mark like they were escorting a dangerous criminal. They made it to the rooftop. They slammed the door close. They were positioning themselves to get a better vantage point to have better efficiency in beating up Mark. They thought that this was going to be easy. They thought that last time Mark got off lucky as they were not as many as today. They believed strength lies in numbers. But some would prefer it was good to have better quality than quantity.

"Kneel and beg forgiveness and I would consider sparing you from the pain. Also, leave Rose and never come before her you are not worthy for her beauty. You f*cking commoner!." Ryan arrogantly said all of this to Mark as he thought that victory was near and Mark would soon end up in a stretcher towards a hospital soon.

"And why would I do that? Instead, I would give you guys the chance to beg for forgiveness."

Mark did not see these guys as equal to him. His future would be as he imagined it to be an existence that would be feared and respected by the world. He may now be below and treated like an ant before someone strong but it would not take long as he could train and improve his body defeating everyone and making them bow to him.

"Do you not see the situation you're in?" Ryan became more angry and punched out towards Mark. Mark saw the incoming punch as it was like in slow motion. He knew that the guys surrounding him would take opportunity and would strike at him given the chance. He calculated carefully on what to do. He was calm as he have always had an advantage over their weak physique.

Everybody was getting to rush at him and hold him down and take turns beating him up.

"Don't say sorry and cry when I'm done with you guys!"