The Ultimate Predator!

The red robed avatar looked down, it focused on Dave and pointed a sword at him. A wave of sword-energy cut through the air toward him.

The battalion had already split and evaded the incoming attack, they just kept moving trying to outdistance the enemy.

Another guildie suddenly grew a yellow aura and another oversize avatar loomed over the battlefield. This one looked like a sturdy muscular man wearing only a loincloth and holding a javelin.

The revelation of the second Legacy user just made the already grim situation that much worse.

The yellow avatar heaved the javelin at Dave, it arced through the sky spiraling and homing in on the draugr, following the jinks and jukes he and Stinger made to escape the attack.

"Stinger, duck!" Dave ordered and Stinger crouched his body forward leaving Dave facing the javelin head-on while the captive priestess cowered behind him.