Shameless Draugr

"Is everything in order?" Warlord asked through voice com. He was currently moving rapidly through Icathia's streets. Beside him were Satan Slayer, Valentine, a Priest, a Ranger, and an Assassin and five more characters Dave didn't even bother looking at twice. These players were the highest level players and part of the inner circle for the Devastators super guild. Backed by their own powerful companies, they had obtained the best gears and hogged the best EXP areas.

In a game where being in the lead was all that mattered, even a small advantage over their enemies could spell the rise and fall of a guild. This mere expedition to the Underworld would give The Devastators an edge over their competitors. Every level gained at this stage of the game translated into a huge advantage. And judging by Dave's adventures it was a treasure trove only waiting to be taken.