We do not have any loose ends, all of these will be dealt with.



Royal Decree. (360)

Find players or NPCs trying to join the Ash-King's cause.

You must slay 10 Demonlings before the Undead King marches to war with the Ash King.

Quest duration

30 days.

Failing the quest will result in a loss of reputation and credibility at the Undead King's court.

Succeeding the quest will grant you the right to partake in the upcoming war against the Ash King.


Sorta loose ends;

1. Dave meeting up with his half-siblings again

2. Clash of Gods

3. Reason why the Godlings seem so interested in the Legecys

- Well I suppose the answer is;

o The Ash King is the Son of Asmodeus. The God of Hell. He is basically a Demi-God. His objective has always been to secure more divine fragments for himself. After obtaining enough, he will become a deity comparable to his father. Naturally We do not wish to see that come to fruition."

4. Help Dante with his Legacy Quest (although he seems to have hired a team)

- More infos also couldn't hurt. So far we know; (378)

o Ah stop it, Davey, he literally bought his EXP. He hired lots of players and tagged along shooting anything in his way, his Legacy is damn broken

5. Bring Zoe on the date like he promised (out of game + in game to grind)

6. Help Ralph with his last stage of Legacy Quest

7. What's the use of strengthening the Shield with Divine Eyes like the one from the Kraken?

8. Mecha doesn't count as a Legacy so shouldn't Jeffrey have taken part of in the Clash of Gods after it got changed in ch. 360 allowing for non-Legacy Holders to take part

9. Lone finishing her Legacy Quest, recovering the Ice Scepter

10. Lord Ramsha has promised you a great reward for succeeding." The golem said. (ch. 361)

- Maybe he can cash it in, when he brings Ramsha the Sworn Stalwart Token?

11. Ramifications for Urburg after Dave took over the East, don't think he has revealed it yet

- Dave was certain that once he revealed this area, it would become a hub for all kinds of players to group and gather. They would forge out from Urburg to the Wilds, to grind EXP and collect resources and materials. Being this close and so deep in the Wilds, Urburg promised great excitement for all comers. And all of it belonged to David Ruster. Once an orphan without prospects or a view of the future, now at the brink of making the Dream, capital D. (375)

12. Did Dave send Vanessa to sing for Nick's musical audition

13. The resolution between Vanessa and Zoe who went after her continues to be a mystery

- All we got so far seems to be; (378)

o She didn't look perfectly over the fact that Dave had hooked up with another person, but she wasn't crying, which was a plus.

14. Nick's simulation could be good for Dave to train in

- A new option has been added to your character. You can visit the Devin Training Grounds whenever you wish

15. Still waiting for Dave to collect his Ford Mustang 1969 Mach 1 (maybe combine it with taking Zoe out. And if you feel like it, you can either also combine it with visiting his siblings or do it on a separate occasion, depends if you want her to be there or not. Might be better if she is, to stop him from being hot-headed again)

16. Whatever happened to Zoe's streamer career XD (well probably more like hobby XD)

- Ch. 035; Lone Arrow uploaded the exciting parts of her character's adventures to a feed. Her feed was moderately popular. She had a cute and lively personality and people liked to watch pretty girls. It didn't hurt that she added funny commentary and knew how edit her content to make her video look really good.

17. Another appearance at his company couldn't hurt. Especially since Demetri wanted to sponsor whatever Ophidia was working on

18. Facing Dogaron, the Dragon wolf to extract Oprenieum from the cave for Andre to become a better smith (367) Also would lead to an increase in weapon tier for the Undead Legion

19. Show us Perfect Shot's Legacy in use :P

20. Let someone claim the Title, Grand Endeavor for finishing Dave's Dungeon

- By defeating the Dungeon, you shall claim the Title, Grand Endeavor!

- Furthermore, besides the loot gained through the Dungeon, the first party to complete the Dungeon will be granted temporary access to the Underworld for 30 days!

- Last mention in ch. 389; The old man shook his head, "Not yet, more than three thousand adventurers had entered, none survived. Your traps were deadly." Albert said.

21. In Ch. 382; Singund mentioned that while they were clearing Dungeons they took a bunch of materials to Urburg. Maybe combine this with 11.

22. 383 Dave owes Dagla a favour for taking over the Teleportation gates

23. 385; "You mean, there is an abyssal Knight rank corpse on the other side of the wall?" Dave asked Dagla frowning. "Indeed, let it rest. We don't need something as powerful as it right now. It is not the time to tame such a thing, only the Undead King can manage it, and he is too distracted with the upcoming events regarding the raid of the Ash King's domain."

24. Not sure if need to address it or not, but 392; I was only hoping to take out three, four if we are lucky and five cities by a miracle. The destruction of Seven Cities worth of food supplies will cripple the nation for years.

25. The area where [Balance Breaker] Forbidden chapter has been used will become a chaos zone...Beware of what might come out of chaos!

26. Whatever happened to the Royal Princess, who keep getting kidnapped to the point we should call her Peach XD ?

27. After defeating the Black Dragon as part of his spoils Dave got a Dragon Armor :3

28. Dave kept the Black Dragon's body inside Tiny, until he became stronger to revive it (394)

29. In Ch. 402 He got 250 Million EXP for fulfilling One of the Royal Labors (Killing Chosen One), so maybe we should include him gaining all that Exp for getting the East therefore completing another one as the reason why he is over level 550 and can actually equip the War Armor ;) ? Alternatively he apparently also should have gotten 200 Mill for Sabotaging the Temple according to ch. 440

30. We haven't seen Zoe use the Demon Spear SSS-Tier Skill

31. Dave also got the Demon Soul, although he currently only has Demonic Ascension as something to be strengthened

32. Spark's past. It has been mentioned that he had been Enlightened, but nothing else came out of it