Battling the Heavens

Dave was the first to draw his sword, Durandal to his left and Ajax poised forward.

"No time for monologues! [World Boss!]

A heartbeat sound echoed in the mind of all those present, Dave's form grew fused to a black swirl of shadows and ebony aura that coalesced around him. His muscles grew a bit, reinforced with the might of an abyssal knight.

Dave stomped forward, bursting in speed as he closed in on the Heavenly General. The general swung his glaive with one hand at Dave's head, the latter poised Durandal forward.

"Block that glaive and your arm will break!" Ouki called.

Dave didn't head the comment and blocked the Glaive with the width of his sword. The general's statement was not correct but was definitely not fully wrong. 

Dave felt the shock of impact from the general's glaive against his sword, it was enough to make his iron boot grate the ground as he slid to the side from the power behind the glaive and his attempt at blocking it.