Sleeping Beauty

Staring at the player in front of her, she remembered the fact that she had unwittingly spent 100 gold about two hours ago. It was a blunder to have bought items and equipment that she saw was blinking in a particular way it was as if they were trying to charm her into buying them.

Since she saw how unique they were with those flashy effects, she bought it almost without hesitation. As soon as she bought it though, she saw that her level was insufficient to use those items as it has a level requirement of 10.

She had only noticed her mistake when she began questioning herself only after having witnessed that other players were being denied entry with the reason of them not having enough money to buy stuff being sold here.

She also noticed that other players were all wearing the same outfits, meaning that it wasn't common to spend money on equipment at this stage of the game. Eventually, it had led her to the conclusion that she was screwed.

Now thinking about it, it must mean that the person in front of her had also spent 100 gold. So, she could only console herself thinking that she wasn't the only one to be tricked into buying expensive stuff right at the very start of the game.

However, she soon regained her spirit and poured her body and soul into stabbing monsters to vent out her frustrations which had at times gotten her killed, but regardless, she was still able to finish the introductory quests that everybody has to go through and eventually reached the cross-roads to travel to the city and get to level 10.

Before she leaves though, she thought to visit the shop that scammed her and give them a piece of mind. Doing that to an NPC was admittedly not very smart but, it was enough to let her vent out her frustrations this has somehow led her to this current situation.

Unfortunately for her, as she entered the hidden part of the shop, she almost spit out blood as she looked at items that she could've bought with her 100 gold which she now couldn't as she's currently dirt poor with only a couple of Copper coins.

As she continued to look at the items in utter vexation, another poor soul had entered her field of view which had also worsened her mood as she could now guess that the place was probably not exclusive just to her. This continued with another question that the guy in front of her had just asked.

"Hmmm... Why would that matter to you? What? You think that you're the only one who can spend 100 Gold coins?"

She looked a little condescending as she gazed upon another poor soul who was scammed into buying things that a noob don't need.

Contrary to her expectations, Devin's face instantly lit up the moment that she answered his question. He believed that since she was also a part of the clinical trials then she must also be another disabled person which had gotten another chance at life.

"So, umm. I guess you're also part of the clinical trials, huh?"

"And why would that matter to you doofus?"

"Well, nothing really, I'm just glad to see another person who got to have another chance at life without any constraints that bind us in real life."

A little bit stunned, she belatedly noticed that he was also a person who must be like her. Heaving a deep sigh, she decided that it was unjustified to lash out in anger so she apologized after realizing her mistake.

"Oh... So with that username, I guess you're also blind in real life."

With a nod, Devin answered her sincerely.

"If you don't mind, can I ask what illness or injury you are currently suffering from?"

"Can't you guess from looking at my username?"

"Sleeping Beauty? Do you suffer from narcolepsy or something?"

"I guess you can put it in that way."

Deep inside, she knew that it was probably much more believable for her to tell this lie rather than to tell him the truth that she was a comatose patient and was blessed with her parents being rich enough to get a slot for the clinical trials with the VR capsule. This would not only protect her identity, but it would also continue to maintain a barrier between the two of them as they were still strangers having just met now.

Having their introductions, Devin finally noticed that he still can't afford any of the things being sold on the entire shop so he could only prepare to leave. Remembering his quest and his remaining task to kill Horned Boars he shuddered as he was left with no choice but to slowly grind them down.

"Hey! So, I'm going out to hunt and finish Village Guard Sam's quest. Don't bother to look anymore, there's nothing we can buy here with copper. See you again sometime."

With a friendly warning, he prepared to leave but was stunned when he heard her reply to him.

"AHAHAHA! Man, how did you even reach that level while being stuck at Sam's quest?"

"Oh please, don't get me started on this. You don't even know how hard it is to solo a Horned Boar with a Night Buff."

"Really? Are you challenging me?"

Devin's eyes lit up. He immediately saw this as a chance to leach off some kills and EXP.

"What if I am? Are you up to it?"

"Hoho. You are so regretting this. Hit me up with that party invite."

'And now, I've baited her successfully. Free EXP here I come!' as Devin was thinking of this his mouth unconsciously showed a suspicious grin.

A couple of moments later, the sweet sound of notification soon came after they quickly hacked the boar to death.