Wild Wolves

As soon as the NPC finished speaking, a quest notification immediately appeared in front of the two of them to which they didn't accept instantly. They first talked with each other via private messages.

"Hey, what do we do? Do we accept this or nah?"

"This guy looks hella suspicious! Who knows if this guy is even the original owner of this caravan? What if he's actually one of the bandits who stole this and is now trying to lead us to his other friends?"

"I don't think that this game would be that in-depth though."

"But we're not sure of anything yet. We should ask him a bit more before we accept the quest."

"Got it."

After finishing their quick messaging, Devin once again asked the NPC politely.

"So, Mr....?"

"Oh, I'm sorry I was too caught up and got excited that I forgot to introduce myself first. My name is Delo, from Randor Kingdom's Mercantile Alliance."

"Right, Mr. Giovani, can we know more about your precious delivery?"

As soon as Devin finished his sentence, Delo's face turned unpleasant. It seemed that he doesn't want to divulge more about his delivery. Seeing the NPC dropping interest in further talking with him, Devin immediately planned to remedy the situation.

"If you don't want to tell us then it's okay. We just want to know if it is necessary to carry it with your wagon, you see, we actually don't know how to make it move without a horse."

Delo's expression soon returned to his previous smile as he immediately answered Devin.

"I see, I apologize for being suspicious of you. Sadly the horse had died when the Wild Wolves attacked so we cannot continue the journey on the wagon. I guess we can only walk all the way there. Don't worry about the delivery, as long as you get me to the Main city then it is all good."

As soon as Delo finished talking, a notification panel immediately appeared in front of the duo.

Accept: Yes/No>

Seeing the new details on the quest notification, Sleeping Beauty reminded Devin that quest that has a difficulty measure attached to it, this would usually only appear after level 10, and at level 10 quests would usually only be offered with difficulty of F and only a small number of them would make a post at the forums that they received any higher.

This may seem that this quest may not be as simple as it seems. Considering the fact that the NPC was attacked despite having his own escorts, this showed that there was still a possibility that they would once again be attacked if they were to accept this carelessly without any preparations.

Another new detail that bothered Sleeping Beauty saw the fact that they are capable of rejecting this quest. Again this was a function that was only offered above level 10.

Sleeping Beauty intended to consult more with Devin as she was still unsure about accepting this quest, but before she was able to do so, Devin has already pressed accept and was now looking at her with a face as if to say 'What else is there to think about?'. With a sigh, Sleeping Beauty accepted the quest as Devin had already accepted it.

"Don't worry, we're still below level 10 and if ever we die while doing the quest then we can just revive with no worries."

Hearing Devin trying to assure her, Sleeping Beauty scoffed as she moved to the side of the NPC and ushered him to continue traveling forwards.

Sleeping Beauty was still dubious about the whole situation, after all aside from the two details that she mentioned to Devin via private message, she has never heard of a quest being issued with a classification, this time it was called instance.

She has heard of instance dungeons before when she was still able-bodied as she really liked playing games, but never had she heard of an instance quest. Glancing at her party member who was stupidly grinning as if he had hit jackpot with this quest also looked at her which irritated her so she looked away again. Devin, still clueless about her thoughts disregarded her actions because to him, she was always like this.

The two players and 1 NPC then continued walking into the road that was pointed to them by the map. About five minutes have passed since they went with the NPC when all of a sudden the surrounding bushes rustled. Although there was wind, it wasn't strong enough to shake make these bushes rustle this much.

Seeing this, the triad became aware that they were currently under attack. Devin took out the free staff that he got with his new robe while Sleeping Beauty took out a dagger that she received when she chose the leather armor for her quest to get new equipment.

Their enemies who saw them bring out their weapons made a chilling cry and without warning, a silver wolf whose height was nearly that of an adolescent human leaped towards the NPC who was at their backlines and was currently defenseless.

It was too fast for any of them to ever disrupt in time. It was here when Devin had an idea. He immediately cast the skill but instead of him being the receiver of the shield, he shifted it with Delo as the target.

Surprised to see that it worked, Devin soon followed up and moved in front of Delo to protect him from any further attacks by the wild wolf.

Sleeping Beauty who saw this had her mouth opened wide. It seems that this Blinded guy had been keeping too many secrets. With a heave of relief, she soon faced the wolf that was now once again racing towards the NPC.

She immediately went into action and stabbed the Wild Wolf which had hindered it as it retreated backward. She saw that she was dealing quite the damage to the wolf, she immediately hypothesized that the Wild Wolf must've been a monster that has its stats focused on AGI and STR which left its VIT stat very low.

What she had hypothesized without seeing the monster's stats was indeed correct, however, this type of monster's main strength didn't just rely on its individual stats. A Wild Wolf never hunts alone, it was always with a pack which slowly wears down its enemy until it dies.