Finding Delo

On a certain city gate where people were slowly queuing up in a line as the sun slowly rises only to be checked by the city guards, a man was sweating bullets as he made his way.

This man is Devin, despite not having any sleep last night, he wasn't that sleepy. In fact, he felt so awake right now. Well, who wouldn't feel awake if one were to be in the same situation as him? Going back about a couple of minutes ago.

"Yes, I accept."

As soon as Devin accepted the quest, he was assaulted by a sudden burst of bright light with a tinge of red soon enveloped him.

"What the? What's this? What's happening?"

"Be at peace son of man, since you've accepted my quest then I would, of course, need to make sure that you do it. As long as you do as you promised then no harm will befall upon you, but if ever you decided to turn tail and betray me... Don't even think about retaining your life."

Being threatened by the Wild Wolf, Devin almost felt his soul leave his body the moment he saw the monster's name tag turn to green. Its name that was previously just written as Wild Wolf also began to change.

(Weakened state)

'Holy Cow- Did I just try to pick a fight with level 50 at level 8?' Inwardly cursing, Devin felt thankful that it was at a weakened state, if not then he might've regretted even accepting that damned quest from Delo.

"Son of man, you must go now. If you don't find that who I wish to exact my revenge on within 3 hours then I swear in my name that I will find you, and I will kill you!"

Without looking back, Devin quickly made his way towards the City. He knew that Velda must've done something to him the moment that light shone on him.

After making a quick dash, he saw that despite seeing monsters on the way, they quickly made way for him, they even appeared scared which he quickly attributed to that mark given to him by Velda which he confirmed just by looking at his status.

Name: Blinded (Mark of Velda)

Race: Human

Level: 7

Exp: 698/700

HP: 100/100

MP: 50/50

Class: None

Job: None

STR: 15

AGI: 21.5 (+4.25)

INT: 13 (+3)

VIT: 11 (+1)

Reputation Points: 255 Beginner's Village

He was only a couple of EXP away to reach the next level, but that wasn't his priority now. What he wanted to know the most about was the status effect that is currently attached to his name tag.

<(Mark of Velda) The one who bears the mark will ward off all monsters 5 meters away from the user that are within level 50 or below, and an additional 25% increased movement speed. If the bearer of the mark fails to comply with the designated task by the caster, it's bearer shall instantly be killed on the spot. (Timer: 2:52:03)>

This soon fuelled Devin to quickly make his way to the Main City. Unfortunately, he wasn't informed that the Main City was prohibiting entry and exit during night time. However, due to the playing for so long, morning would soon come but it would take him at most an hour before the sun rises.

As soon as Devin's periphery granted him the sight of the huge city walls covering the Main City, he gasped. It wasn't because of the sight of the magnificent walls patrolled by numerous soldiers, it was because of the long queue that he could already see.

Being greatly panicked, he immediately thought of Delo being stuck in line too, however, he wasn't that sure. So, he did the best possible option which was to message Sleeping.


Still, he didn't get any reply so he could only make his way and queue up. At times, looking nearby for any possible signs. Most of them here were players so he also asked them but it seems that they haven't encountered a woman with Sleeping's name tag.

He looked at the timer on his quest, grimacing about how he had screwed up accepting a quest like this.

<(Timer: 2:19:31)>

He could only patiently wait. Of course, cutting in line was never an option. He doesn't want to get anymore problem than what he already has with his quest. He also wasn't a self-entitled brat who'd push his right due to his circumstances. He understood how the world worked from a very young age, despite his family making sure that he doesn't feel like an outcast with his disability, he still felt the contempt from other people who thought of themselves better and simply deciding it based on the fact that he was handicapped.

After another thirty minutes waiting, the sun eventually rose and the gates were raised. It was finally the time. Sadly, it took him about twenty minutes or so to get his turn to enter the Castle Gates.

"State your name, where you're from, and what you plan to do here. After that, pay up 20 Copper and you can enter."

The City Guard who seemed uninterested towards him repeated the same lines that he had said to other players who had also came in before him.

"Blinded, I'm here on the orders of the Village Chief to give this letter to his friend."

Devin also repeated the same thing that those before him had said and soon paid up with the copper that he managed to amass solely from the drops of the monsters that he killed on the Beginner's Village.

"Alright, take a right on the fourth corner and head straight towards the second district then take a left on the second corner. NEXT!"

"Wait, do you know by chance know the merchant Delo who also had a woman accompany him, I'm actually with them."

Devin took out his badge and showed it to the City Guard. The City Guard was surprised when he saw the badge and straighten his previously slacked posture.

"Sir! I apologize for my earlier display, I hope you pardon me from my rudeness."

Seeing the City Guard say something off script, the players surrounding Devin were now looking daggers at him. Some of them weren't properly paying attention so they didn't quite catch what Devin was saying, but some of them did and were eyeing Devin's badge.

"No worries, just let me know where I can find them."

"Sir, let me assist you. I shall escort you to Sire Delo."