A Family Man

Lin Qiao stepped back with confusion and tried away to walk forward. However, the result stayed the same; she couldn't go anywhere further.

What on earth was happening!

She furrowed her eyebrows and stood by the gate as she folded her arms and started thinking about what exactly happened today. Earlier on, she wasn't able to walk to the gate, but now she could. Something must have caused that change. What was it?

Unwittingly, she raised a hand to scratch her chin, then turned to look at Wu Chengyue's house.

Two people visited Wu Chengyue, and then he and his daughter went downstairs from the second floor. Those were all the changes that had happened.

A gleam of light flashed across her eyes as she looked at the house.

Was Wu Chengyue the reason why she suddenly showed up in the house? Was there some kind of connection between her and him? Was it because they had had intimate physical contact?