The Enemy's Plan

Wu Chengyue and Lin Qiao both stayed quiet, staring at Xiao Licheng, who was standing at the door. Under their gaze, the other wanted very much to turn around and run away. However, he did not dare to do that, as the two bosses didn't give him permission to leave. He had just ruined their sweet moment, so he might suffer a thunder strike at any moment.

Looking at Wu Chengyue's hand which was already raised, with a fist-sized lightning ball dazzling upon it, Xiao Licheng didn't have the courage to move even a finger.

"It's our second time being interrupted. But still, I didn't throw the lightning on your head. Are you touched?" Wu Chengyue said with a smile.

"N-no…" Xiao Licheng said.

Lin Qiao pushed Wu Chengyue away and said to Xiao Licheng, "Let me see them."

Finally, Xiao Licheng sighed with relief and carried the small suitcase as he walked further in.