Young Master Lu Is A Sadist (6)

Huo Zhan was clearly doubtful of her words. "Let's have a meal together someday then. I've just got to see if he's really taking you as a queen."

Shi Guang did not want to continue with that topic as she harrumphed coldly. "Alright, enough about me! What about you? How did you meet her? How long have you guys been together? To think that you would have kept it as such a tight secret and you guys are even getting married now! I'm really curious about this girl. So, was she the one who subdued you, or were you the one who managed to trick her into marrying you?"

"Little Shi Guang, can't we be truly in love? What's that about trickery and subduing?" Huo Zhan poked her head once more.

Shi Guang was peeved. "Don't get touchy now!"

But Huo Zhan refused to back down and reached out once more. Immediately, Shi Guang slapped his hand as both of them started playing around, hitting at one another in a way that might even seem flirty to outsiders.