Doting To The End Is The King’s Way (18)

Shi Guang burst out in excitement. "It moved, it moved!"

"One more time. Keep your belly in and puff your chest."


"Puff your chest."

"I'm puffing…"

Lu Yanchen's gaze was focused on a single point as he frowned. "It's still so flat after puffing?"

Shi Guang walked in front of his face and glared at him begrudgingly. "Diss me again and I'll be going off!"

Lu Yanchen agreed with her approvingly, "That's a good idea. Hurry and go get someone to come save me."

"There's no way I'm going to do that after I go off!" Shi Guang's face was all huffy as she even shot him a venomous stare. "I'll have you trapped here for all eternity while I go look for a sweet young thing to replace you! I'll piss you to death!"

Lu Yanchen raised his brow and merely smirked out knowingly without saying anything unnecessary more than to have Shi Guang go shift the tree.

"To the right a little more."

"One, two, push…!"