Careful, Sweet Aloofness Up Ahead! (10)

In the depths of the night, in a malefic woods shrouded with a fog, a girl was sprinting with all her might as though her heart would pop out at the very next second. There were no longer any roads in the woods, and she did not know where she could head off to next. With a slip, she found herself tumbling down a slope…


Qian Xun screamed as she bolted awake, drenched in sweat.

She watched the ceiling with widened eyes, and it was only until she realized she was at home that she discovered that it was a dream. Touching her cheeks, the only thing she felt was icy coldness.

She looked around for her thermal flask. After opening and checking that the temperature was right, she gulped down everything in a single mouthful. As the warm water filled her body, she finally felt more at ease.

Why was she having a nightmare during a casual afternoon nap? Just what was going on with her these days?

Was it because she had seen that child?