Umbral Minotaur

---A few minutes before---

"Oh my god! Niu Lang was able to summon a Black Minotaur?!" The customers in the shop were once again completely astonished by the surprises Jin had in store for them. "If Niu Lang had been that strong in the old folktale, he probably would have openly defied the Heavenly Empress and there would never have been a Qixi Festival." A male customer commented and the others around him started laughing.

"Does that means Zhi Nu will also have a certain set of battle skills?" A female customer queried and many other customers started to conjure possible theories. "She's a weaver so she might have some string related attacks." An elderly onlooker who heard the Qixi commotion decided to come and take a look at how a Dungeon Supplier would be able to weave a fresh story out of an old folktale.