Happy Xiong Da

"Boss! BOSS! BOSSSSSSS!!!!!" Xiong Da could not help but hug Jin tightly. Even though he was just a Grade 3 cultivator, Jin could feel that his grip could rival a Grade 4 cultivator. "I know Zeru said he needed a lot of spiritual force to gain strength, but this is really a bit -OoF!" Jin thought to himself before he felt that the squeeze was too straining.

"Okay okay! Xiong Da, you can let go of me now!" Jin tried to push Xiong Da away but he noticed Xiong Da was crying. "What are you crying for? The food is too good? You getting your grade 3?" Jin struggled more against Xiong Da's grip.

"BOTHHHHHH!!! Thank you Bossss!!" Xiong Da loosened his grip before he composed himself. "As much as I would like to comment on the taste, it's simply cannot be described with words right now. Also, the Salmon Sushi Nigiri has so much spiritual force that I could foresee the inevitability of it being very popular too." Xiong Da commented.