Father and Daughter

"Dad. This is the one I was talking about." Jing Ru was demure with her actions but Ren Wei, Jing Ru's stepdad, could clearly see that Jing Ru was barely holding in her excitement while bringing him to this Dungeon Supplier.

"There is no store name on the map directory at all." Ren Wei took a look at his map on his phone and it only showed a plot of land.

"Mmhmm, it has only been opened for a month I believe… So I think the official directory has not been updated yet." Jing Ru said and then realised she did not know the shop's name at all. She had been referring to the store as 'that dungeon supplier store near Tiangong Shopping District' or 'Boss Jin's store'. "Perhaps I should ask later," She thought to herself.