Dangerous Zombies

As Jin crossed the Second Gate and entered the inner courtyard of the Subterranean Fortress of the Roleplaying Minotaurs. The zombies were fighting wildly against the preliminary line of defence to prevent them from attacking Jin from the back.

Although Jin hadn't equipped the zombies since there were at least a thousand of them, he had actually enhanced them with an equipment card called 'Elementary Element Roulette' as well as an 'I am the Alpha V1.0' enhancement card.

With the 'Elementary Element Roulette' card, each zombie summoned out would have a chance to become an elemental zombie, either Fire, Ice, Poison or Thunder. Poison had the highest probability of appearing, which was followed by ice, fire and lastly thunder since it boasted the highest elemental damage. The probability for a zombie to become an elemental zombie was at a ratio of 1 out of every 50 zombies.