A Heart-to-Heart Talk - Part 1

Jin laid in the hot spring pool, but this time round, he was sitting right beside the maple tree. Unlike last time, he had learned his lesson and no longer merely lay at the edge of the pool for the penguins to pull him up. Right now, he had purposely brought some carabiners, long pieces of climbing rope and a climbing harness which he bought in one of the stores in Tiangong Shopping District as he strapped himself up before sitting down in the pool.

"Master, it might not be as effective if you are not totally naked." Mr Patsu reminded him loudly, but it also understood Jin's intention when he brought the harness and carabiners.

"I understand, but you know safety first, right? What is the use of effectiveness if I drown in my sludge? I promise to redesign the hot spring instance in the future." Jin thanked Mr Patsu for his concerns as he aided the Penguins to set up the ropes with the aid of the maple tree.