Dungeon Supplier Rank 3

For the rest of the evening, Jin tended to his shop and woke up earlier than usual. He needed to prepare the items and equipment for the trip to the Goblin World. Ripcaller said that the Goblin Kingdom was called the Gob Gob Kingdom, named after a mighty ancestor.

The Gob Gob Kingdom was one of the more advanced and highly populated Goblin Kingdoms in the Goblin World. Some even said that their military was the most advanced and highly sought after to enter by many various smaller kingdoms.

"So, we are going into the Capital straight away? Didn't you tell me that humans were the enemies of the Goblins." Jin asked the goblins and they nodded in unison.

"Well, we could bring you in as a slave?" Slashreaver suggested casually but did not mean any offence to his Master.