The Arrival of King Hamu

The Orcs were perplexed by the sudden onslaught of monsters. Instead of goblins, they were suddenly defending against a surprise ambush of undead rising from the ground. Moreover, this was just the beginning as Jin had made it a free for all for his monsters to attack. (Some joked that there was hidden competition to see which monster or group of monsters could get the most kills and the System would reward them.)

At the same time, the werejackals and werecats had taken the fight to the orcs who were still in the sewers. Their speed and occasional spell casting made short work of the brutish orcs. Minotaurs of various classes, the Fanatics, Maids and Cowboys clashed head on with the Fire Orcs warriors in the open city squares who welcomed the challenge. Jin had yet to introduce them formally into any dungeons so this fight was a great opportunity for them to exercise out all the frustrations they had for some time.