The Eventual Loss

A relatively large number of spectators in Auditorium Number Three was watching the intense fight between the Deep Ones and the Pandawans. Usually, when there were Pandawans participating in the dungeons, the System would focus the movie screens on their dungeon instance, which lead to them being quite famous in Jin's shop.

As long as they put up a good fight, it really did not matter if they lost the instance because people were using them as a metric to gauge how hard a dungeon could be. And this particular Deep One Dungeon was showing them no mercy at all. Unlike the Shaolin Football Dungeon instance where many of the cultivators fought against the (even now) unbeatable Savants, this latest addition, while not as brutal, kept sending waves of increasingly more and more dangerous Deep Ones against Bin Yong and Shi Zuo especially with them armed with a trident.