Magical Clay Craftsmen

As the days went by, December was just around the corner. Jin and his monsters had been working their damndest to keep up the pace so that he could fulfil the mission objectives. So far, Flame Ripper and his scouting team were able to avoid any encounter with the Farm rats.

Despite what Meomi said, she figured a bit of patience would not harm her current objective. But she took the time to learn and had already memorised the dynamic patrol patterns those farm rats had employed.

On a separate note, the Dungeon City Fortress had gone through a lot of changes since the first day. Some smaller buildings on the first platform were completed, while the larger ones had started to take form. Moloch did warn Jin that adventurers and other monsters could visit their city at any point, so he had instructed the Dungeon Core to deny entry to anyone outside their territory. He wanted to ensure that what they were building, would remain a secret until the fortress was functioning properly.