General Xie

Even though the partition was covered with the System's protection, the unknowing Yang Ling was paranoid enough to place some of her self designed inscription charms to make sure that no one else was listening to their conversation.

Jin could not recognise any of them, but Kraft including Pei easily penetrated through the inscription's abilities. The counterintelligence agent identified them to be mainly strengthened Illusion and Veiling charms to prevent the Jin and Yang Ling from being spied on.

"I heard from a little snake that you're considering the idea to conduct military exercises." Yang Ling said as she stirred her coffee a little before taking a sip. The mild acidity and rich coffee flavour from the Blue Mountain beans permeated her taste buds and almost immediately giving her a feeling of instant rush.

"Don't you mean old hagged snake?" Jin questioned her with a slight chuckle which made her giggled along as well.