Enlightenment in Cultivation

Chen Xun was muffling his giggling with his hand after he saw De Tian being rejected like a guy earnestly confessing his love. The Ruby Rat Triad Boss found himself ashamed that his challenge was so easily denied, but then he noticed something.

Why the hell was he even doing something as stupid as to ask for a duel? Was it because it's an honourable thing to do right in front of his Ruby Rat lackeys? Or was he scared of the laws? God damn it! Wasn't he a Triad Boss? Why did he suddenly become so timid because of the change of circumstances?

Shouldn't this case be the most ideal? Instead of fighting against District Guardian Yuan who was around two to three grades above him, De Tian was given a heaven sent gift. A little young panda who was acting all haughty just because he had the cash to buy over the land.