Body Bag

"Is that who I think it is?" Jin asked as he munched on his food. Zeru nodded his head as he was taught not to speak when chewing.

"I tried contacting Kraft, but the System denied me access. Thus, I had decided to follow the guy around instead." Zeru told. The person in the bag was none other than the mangaka artist and creator of Gunndam, Amura Rei.

"Well done…I actually did not expect you to find him that fast." Jin praised his bellator with much respect for his abilities. After all, he had instructed Zeru only hours ago and to show up with the results by dinner was somewhat too efficient even for Jin. Unfortunately, Zeru didn't speak of visiting his wife's grave but instead focused on how he found the mangaka artist.

"Neither did I. The System was able to vaguely pinpoint the mangaka's favourite places via his Tweeter Account, and it was a huge coincidence that I found him exiting the animation company he was collaborating with."