Not Listening

"Shit! We really teleported into the house!" Bu Dong cursed to himself as he saw the staring eyes of the elves in their greenish and black costume. On a side note, Jin used clones of the Elf Researchers as well as Kraft's Night Foxes as Santa's underlings.

Of course, in terms of powers wise, Jin had to tune it down by a whole ton. The Night Foxes were too buffed up against the cultivators. (Come on, killing a Boar Knight with only a stone in the Dungeon Cave? That's brute strength!)

They immediately stopped their work, and their (Dark Elf) supervisor slammed the big red button, causing the alarm to blare loudly, signalling to everyone that there were intruders in Santa's House. Afterwards, the elves mercilessly threw gifts at them, which transformed into incomplete versions of the Spartan Toy Soldiers.