Necrotic Damage

"DON'T COME ANY CLOSER!" The gold haired Fire Shaman cried out in agony, stopping Bu Dong in his tracks. "Figure a way out to at least kill the first form without me!" Jasmin pleaded as her tears rolled down profusely due to the pain, and she could feel that her life was at an end.

"What are you talking about?! I am going to pull you out!" Bu Dong shouted as he initiated his intermediate sword art, Blazing Edge of the Angry Ape, hoping to hurt Evil Santa bad enough to let Jasmin go.

"It's too late…" Jasmin said as she lifted her free hand and aimed her rental pistol at Bu Dong. "By the powers of Tiw, grant this weary warrior the strength to fight a battle worthy of your praise. Armour of Tiw!" She used up her final instant spell as she fired her pistol, imbued with the magic of a Fire Shaman