Assuming the Worst

"... What?" Jin looked at the picture. This person did not really look like the one he remembered having met. Obviously, if the timeline were correct, she would have to be at least an adult already. Yet, this baffled him a lot. How can a dream match with reality?

"It could be just a dream, you know? Why are you putting so much weight to it?" Jin asked Kraft with all seriousness. The bellator grinned before he quietly asked Jin to take a seat.

"Well, first of all, the person in your dream was hard to find. So much so that even I can't call it anything but difficult. Aside from that. You are not the first to have lucid dreams, which may not have been dreams... Its a little hard to explain."

"Past System Users have dreamt of similar things before, and we have ignored them in those instances. Suffice to say, we shouldn't have." Kraft replied with a rare solemn voice as if implying that it had personally happened to him.