A Polite Gift

Obviously, Jin did not fall to Kraft's provocation and decided to do a little bit of work before he returned to his room for the rest of the night. But instead of sleeping, he put on his outerwear and walked along the streets in the middle of the night.

After what Kraft had said as a grim reminder not to get success over his head, Jin guessed a bit of time out would do him good. He initially thought sleeping would help, but he remembered Ming was waiting for him with a Black Tortoise at hand. Thus he decided a walk in the freezing night could help with his mind.

The streets were rather quiet, but the stroll in the cold winter night was a refreshing change of environment instead of the stifling air conditioned Dungeon Maker room. Jin walked aimlessly for a moment but eventually found himself in front of the police station. The lights in the station itself were evident, with Jin believed a number of them would still be on night duty.