Reinforcements En Route

"That idiot Jin! Why does he always do this kind of nonsense!" Xiong Da was already on his way to the Tree Mall via taxi. If not for the fact that he had to take on the call of nature at 5 am in the morning, he would have totally snooze off the vibration notification from his phone.

Though he loved to get Ruo Ying, his girlfriend and personal secretary up for the emergency dungeon raid, she had been awake an hour ago entertaining a few friends of hers that came from abroad.

Thus, Xiong Da decided to go alone, hoping that Ruo Ying was able to get some quality sleep. (He too knew that he could snore too loud for comfort and sometimes, she had to bear with it.) At most, he will buy breakfast from the Tree Mall and surprise her with it.

Upon consoling his conscience, the Hippo Cultivator attempted to message in the Pandawan group chat to see if anyone's awake for Emergency Raid instance.