Ice Against Ice

"Who do you think you are? You think your powers ever exceed my mother? You yellow freak!" Maeve did not know what kind of monstrosity that human had become to have such an ugly face and body structure. Or maybe it was one of those Animal People that she never saw before.

"I know your species…you are an Orc, aren't you?" Queen Mab squinted her eyes though she could not believe that an Orc had survived in this world for generations. "But you are more civilised than the ones I last remembered. Although I was very sure the humans had annihilated all of you and the …goblin race from existence."

"Aren't you happy that the eyesores had come back to haunt you?" Frost Echo inferred that the Feys were probably the ones who incited the humans to kill the Orcs and Goblins judging from Maeve's behaviour.

Maybe it happened in their world too since the Dark Elves said they had encountered similar Feys before.