Monster Merger Function

"Master, I do not think this is a suitable time for the leftover cultivators to be in the castle," Drex said as he saw the two Avatars transforming to become the Shaitans they contracted with.

"Agreed, System perform emergency transportation of all cultivators to the Halloween Castle instance and throw the Giant Valg we captured to occupy their time. When you are done, replicate the Salamander's castle for me to work on it. We will create the raid instance like how we did for the Goblin Raids." Jin said as he opened up his dungeon creation consoles up while requesting Drex to oversee the remaining portion of Operation Mass Migration.

All Drex had to deal with was the proper allocation of the Animal People Tribes and have his people or Jin's minions to give out Qiu Yue's standard contracts for them to sign. (Else, they would be stuck in limbo as the System restricted movement for those not under its command.)