
"Relaxing sure is hard," Jin mumbled to himself after he woke up to a series of sludge crystals once again. As usual, he took a few for himself and the rest was absorbed by the System.

After the impromptu lunch, Jin decided to man the store for a few hours allowing Yun to take a break. Ironically, some of the new regular customers mistook him for a brand new employee and kept asking for 'Lady Boss Yun' instead.

Jin figured he should try to come out in person a little more to make sure that his presence was still felt. Or perhaps, that should be placed into consideration when he creates the new shopfront instance.

After that, the group dinner was a slew of reviewing the city defences for one last time. Despite her absence in the previous war room briefing, Lynn wasn't entirely out of the picture. She had merely focused on what she's best at.