Demon Fleet Leviathan

"Oof. It's so much smaller than the last time we saw it." Captain Kenway complained through the communications channel courtesy of their mages. Captain Edwards, on the other side, merely laughed at this.

"Duh, it's from a crystal ball. What did you expect?" Edwards asked sarcastically as he commanded his fleet forward.

"It's beautiful." Was the only thing Lord Focalor said.

There was no way the demons or humans could build such a magnificent ship. Did Moloch get it from the dwarves? Or was it the gnomes? Whatever the case, Focalor did not care who it came from. The only thing that mattered was that soon it would be his.

The moment he had first seen the ship up close after coming out the portal, he was dumbstruck and fascinated by it. It was a case of love at first sight.

"Try not to destroy that beauty. It will be a great asset if we can capture it." Lord Focalor ordered yet his two other captains were a bit hesitant.