
As she walked into the corridor, the blue flames flickered slowly and suddenly became brighter, revealing the extent of the corridor hallway. Pei, still in her fox form, did not walk through the centre of the pathway and instead quietly ran through from one pillar to another of the extended corridor hallway.

At the same time, she marvelled at the artwork along the corridor. It depicted a queue of cloaked humans cuffed by their chains awaiting the judgement of the executioner right at the end of the painting.

"Heh. I wonder if Moloch is aware that he seems to have copied the Divine Comedy, Dante's Inferno into his maximum security prison. Could it be that the writer was possibly a demon from Moloch's time as well? Nah, that seems too far fetched. It would be more likely that the writer had just come in contact with a demon… Hmmm." Pei thought to herself as she used her tail to shift the fox mask onto her face and take another look at the prison blueprints.