Off Site Discussion

"Ah yes, sorry my bad." Jin stood up and walked towards Yun who had opened a portal ready to transport Jin back to the Dungeon Maker. 

"Seriously, I have waited quite some time for it ever since you made the timed published post. And now everyone's asking where the new dungeon instance is." Yun sighed as she knew that Jin must have been swiped away by this impromptu event. 

"And here I was wondering where you went after the Yu Sheng. Thank you for the assist." Jin placed his two palms together as a sign of apology to Yun.

"To work, duh. Someone had to man the post until you put up that new shop instance of yours. Now, hurry." Yun rushed Jin in a hasty tone with her arms folded. She knew what exciting mess Jin had in store for the Pandarens but more importantly, Yun could potentially work lesser if what Jin implemented were operating as intended.

"Are we going to disperse this meeting too?" Qiu Yue shouted out loud as Jin was about to enter the portal.