Leader of Kill Squad

Seeing the blank face on his master especially when this was a rather obscure technique, there was no need to ask as Kraft spoke out on the issue at hand. "A Chi Execution Promise is considered a taboo oath in which one party uses their own chi to basically 'program' it so it would kill them if they end up breaking their promise. It's basically the same as a death wish, and once it activates, the Dantian Core immediately shuts down."

"And if you think shutting the Dantian Core would bring you eternal death, you are so wrong. So dead wrong. If you have read about radiation poisoning from Chernobyl accidents, that is roughly what you are going to expect from it. You would feel fine at first, thinking that you just lost control of your chi. This is because there are other 'secondary' Dantian cores to generate chi during an emergency."