Leaving for Australia

Not even half an hour later, Xia Mao was greeted by a strange sight. He was baffled by the sheer number of bags his comrades were carrying around. Apart from haversacks to hold the extra armour for Tanke, they were also dragging along plastic bags full of emergency food supplies allowing their Panda Mercenary to recover on the go without the need for any healing spells.

"You know you guys could have just stored everything inside your storage rings, right?" Xia Mao questioned them, wondering if they were doing this on purpose to show off how massive their shopping spree had been. 

Before he got an answer, a Panda Sailor was announcing that the boarding of the ship would now begin. Xia Mao was in no rush since there were many other Pandarens next to them and he knew they would all gain a notification shortly before it would leave.