App Encryption

After he taught Lynn the ways of the Dungeon Maker Console, he left her to her own devices to try some things out. She too appreciated being left alone so she could try things out without getting embarrassed for doing it wrongly. Meanwhile, he figured it was a decent time to look at the reactions of the Nian Raid Instance as well as the revamped Store Instance through the forums.

He read through the comments from users such as Tola, EuryEvans, Talzin, Dear_HeartMine, Suncust, crackedcacti, Yaximbahps and many others and they all shared a similar sentiment. (Editor's Note; Congrats to the named readers, you are now canon in the NODS novel. ^^ To any other long-time reader, apologies for not including you all, but the list might have grown too long otherwise. Feel free to become more active, so you can make the next cut ;) )