Commanding Guard Leader's Room

Luo Bo and Ruo Ying surrounded him. 

There was no need for him to query the two human invaders about their intention as they stood in front of his doorstep with dead bodies piling right behind them. He only saw their result, yet the spectators of this very exciting raid in Jin's shop had seen the two women fight their way to this 'miniboss'.

Being quite the adept bow user, Luo Bo had used a rope arrow to scale the walls pulling along Ruo Ying with her. During the commotion from the front gate, the two Pandawans had snuck to the back of the building. 

While Ruo Ying could have used her chains, Luo Bo had invested in a belt that had an automated axle that her rope could be attached to. Thanks to it, the two Pandawans had managed to reach the highest sixth floor without wasting their chi, all while keeping their presence hidden.

It was all going well until a guard had happened to patrol right there, right then.