Back To A Corner

"The heck?!" Jin shouted within the System's Channel. "What kind of teleport was that?!" 

"As User had surmised, it is a mid tier spell, Flash Teleport Bomb. It is to provide ample surprise against your opponents while injuring them at the same time. Given the security level of the enemies, a normal portal might have alarmed them or even prompt them to enter it." The System replied.

"Fine, I get what you did, but why did you teleport us into the midst of the enemy lines?!" Jin stressed as he saw a body moving towards him without reserve. 

The Dungeon Supplier did not hesitate to bring out his System Belt in case the enemy was way stronger than he expected them to be. But before he could even attach it to his waist, the bolstering figure emerged out of the smoke and into Jin's front view, he was nearly 180cm tall cladded in full metallic armour and his double sided axe were cleaving through the dust, headed right towards Jin's body.