Extra- Preparation Phase Against The Seven Cities

"El Presidente, the Pandaren cultivators are actively engaging with the remnants of Taris Army," One of the goblins in the communication team replied to Kraft while using his made up title. He had been changing his titles so frequently that the goblins had no qualms following his whims.

"Well done, Comrade. Tell them to clean up the place properly, alright? Don't want any leftovers playing hide and seek in the tunnels." Kraft yawned as he swiped his tablet to check the other battlefields.

"El Presidente, you still have the flush them out option available to you." Another communications goblin reminded the dictator of this current operation that Jin had fulfilled his bargain of putting a flood tunnel within the stronghold walls. And since the Demopolis was situated right beside the sea, there was no reason not to have the capability to flush enemies out into the sea. (After Kraft drowned them to their deaths first.)