Extra- Dicey Moments -Final

Even as the dice spun like a washing machine gone out of control, Luo Bo calmly nocked her arrow and aimed at the left die before she took a deep breath in. Her Illusive Rabbit Cultivation emerged from her back and multiple rabbits were jumping around happy as if to encourage her to get this right.

When she released her bowstring, the arrow flew with a quiet tugging sound and in a blink of an eye, it was already on one of the faces of the die. Slowly, the cube ceased its spinning and all those present could see that her result turned out to be a 6.  While it was a little close to the edge, it did not change the fact that she had calculated the time, distance and strength of her shot to get it right on the first attempt. (The culmination of her training was shown here as not any archer type cultivator would be to get what they want on the first try unless it was pure luck)