Bringing In The Animals -Final -unedited

"Geh. You totally ripped off that name from the arcade game, didn't you?" Jin stared at her with a dull expression. "That Animal Kazier game where the players used unique animal cards to fight one another."

"Geh. How did you know about that game? You do not even look like the type who goes to the arcade that much." Claire's excitement got reduced to a plum just like the lion behind them. Xin was totally wrecking it by giving the Lion its fair taste of pain. Jin believed he had given Xin a little too much Maqi.

"There was a whole row of them in Shenzhen's Cultivation Zoo, do not tell me that's your doing? And also, the fight between Xin and that lion seems to be concluding." Jin said as he could see his Panda was already about to assert his dominance against the Lion by sitting on it. "Still, it's quite a surprise for me to see that he was able to use the skills in the cultivation manual."