Tension During Breakfast -Part 1 -unedited

"Wow… You guys have not touched your food yet?" Jin said as he came down the stairs, seeing a bunch of grumpy faces looking at him with the exception of Ke Loong and Lynn.

"He is here, I do not care anymore!!! And I am eating Milk's portion as well!" Peppers said as she picked her utensils up and wanted to gorge on the food but Yun knocked her head from the side with a miniature aerial chi blast that caused her to stop in her tracks. (From afar, it looked like a spatial flick of a finger on her forehead.)

"Where did she go?" Jin questioned as he headed towards the kitchen to wash his hands once more before sitting at the end of the table. 

"Zeru requested for her to do some errands and she did not want me to go with her. Saying that I am a mere hindrance. In return, I guess I could eat her portion." Peppers replied and when Jin checked his phone, the System indicated that there was no way to contact both of them.