Queue Cutter

"Wow...the queue." Blind Cat Cultivator, Xia Mao exclaimed when he saw the long line despite them coming at their usual time which was approximately six in the morning.

"To think everyone is waiting for Jin's new instance is mind boggling." Jing Yu hopped onto the last in line, only to find out there were several others already waiting right behind her.

"It had been widely advertised. From social media to traditional newspapers. Even my next door neighbour, that reclusive hoard-a-lot, had heard about the opening of a new Cultivation Zoo. Obviously, she does not know that it is a dungeon instance but news of a new Cultivation Zoo is no joke." Xia Mao said.

"Well duh, like in this country, there's probably only a handful of them." Jing Yu said before doing a quick search on the internet to find that there were approximately a hundred or so Cultivation Zoos.