Recruitment Drive

"Just being curious, why are there no high level cultivators around? I feel a little bad bagging all these prizes for myself!" Rong asked as he bagged the prizes and told the counter staff to send them to the Tree Mall. His room where he was currently staying with his parents had all the things he needed but the room which Jin offered him was bare. These merchandise, especially the Playbox 5 would be a huge delight for him when he is on break.

"Did you not see? There ARE high level cultivators around." Lian, the Demon Fox Cultivator, showed him the scoreboard where other cultivators were already queuing to redeem their prize and there were not many left.

"Eh, seriously? That guy is a grade 10?"  Rong tried to see the cultivator by tinning his eyes with chi so that he could gauge his strength. For some reason it was his chi was weaker but does qualify as a grade 10 cultivator.